The cabinet of the loudspeaker must be neutral and deaf as much as possible, therefore incapable to add information to the original musical signal. Moreover, it was necessary to create a loudspeaker with an innovative shape and design. To do so, it was been essential to give up the traditional constructive technique, inventing a new, different one.
So it’s born SACC (Simulated Anechoic Cabinet Construction) Technology. With the use of SACC Technology for the realization of a loudspeaker we have two important results. The first one is concerning the cabinet design that for the first time it’s not dependent to a constructive technique, but on the contrary only to the imagination of the designer. The second one concerns the loudspeaker audio quality. From the outside of the cabinet it’s easy to appreciate the design of a loudspeaker but, to understand the constructive technique of it and how it works on the musical message, it’s necessary to look to its inside.